I'm super excited because I found this Read-A-Thon in Goodreads, and I'm definitely participating! It's the Wicked Wilfire Read-A-Thon, hosted by Kindle Fever, My Shelf Confessions
Here's the description:
``Since we had such a blast during the previous WW Read-A-thons, we've decided to host #WWReadathon Vol. 3 as well — Wicked Wildfire Read-A-Thon! :D
If you don't know how a Read-A-Thon works, you just read as much as you can for that specific time! We'll also be tweeting, posting updates, having challenges and lots of prizes! If you're interested in joining but don't have a blog, no worries! You'll just need somewhere to post updates; Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, etc! Your choice.
Whether you can join us one, two, three or all days of the event, you are very welcome to sign up! It’s all up to you when, what and how much you read. We’ll also be sending out a reminder & intro e-mail to everyone signed up on the linky.
Prizes (also international ones!):
The mini-challenges will be held during different time-frames, each with its own winner. There will also be prizes for participants in the overall Read-A-Thon. What the prizes are is still a secret, but they're awesome (of course ;) lol) and book related!
So what are you waiting for? Come and sign up in our linky so we can easily reach all participants with the reminder and/or updates! http://rebgeo.net/wicked-wildfire-rea...
The linky will be open until midnight EST Saturday, June 23, for late arrivals still wanting to join in! Link the profile where you will post your updates. Blog URL, Twitter, Goodreads profile or Facebook profile/page... If you don't want it public, you're welcome to friend one of the hosts.´´
I'm terribly excited!! It will be my first Read-A-Thon, although I'm not sure I will be able to do it all five days. Probably I will have to stop halfway around day 23 or something like that, but still, it's great. Feel free to join in!
and love penetrates all, even the depth of death.